Muškarac Arnolda Schwarzeneggera udario nogom u leđa
Slavni američki glumac Arnold Schwarzenegger napadnut je u Južnoj Africi. Independent piše da je Schwarzenegger prisustvovao sportskom događaju “Arnold Classic Africa” u kongresnom centru kada ga je muškarac u skoku udario nogom u leđa.
Schwarzenegger je snimao i fotografisao djecu u dvorani gdje je bio sudac na takmičenju u preskakanju užeta, a nepoznati muškarac iz mase je skočio i šutnuo 71-godišnjeg glumca.Arnold je pao, a osiguranje je ubrzo odvelo napadača.
Apparently in South Africa they believe the Terminator is real! Arnold Schwarzenegger got DROP KICKED! https://t.co/QJaUNG0wVl
— KEEM ???? (@KEEMSTAR) May 18, 2019
Ubrzo nakon toga se Arnold Schwarzenegger smijao i razgovarao s posjetiocima, a zatim i napustio kongresni centar u pratnji obezbjeđenja.
Make sure to tune into my @Snapchat to see all 90 sports we have here at the @ArnoldSports Africa! Fitness is for everyone. pic.twitter.com/bNjSTQS9Aj
— Arnold (@Schwarzenegger) May 18, 2019
And if you have to share the video (I get it), pick a blurry one without whatever he was yelling so he doesn’t get the spotlight.
By the way… block or charge? pic.twitter.com/TEmFRCZPEA
— Arnold (@Schwarzenegger) May 18, 2019
Thanks for your concerns, but there is nothing to worry about. I thought I was just jostled by the crowd, which happens a lot. I only realized I was kicked when I saw the video like all of you. I’m just glad the idiot didn’t interrupt my Snapchat.
— Arnold (@Schwarzenegger) May 18, 2019
“Hvala vam za brigu, ali nema razloga za tim. Mislio sam da me je masa pogurala, to se često dešava. Shvatio sam da su me udarili tek kada sam vidio snimak. Drago mi je samo da idiot nije prekinuo moje snimanje na Snapchatu”, napisao je na Twitteru.